sowhat webinar

Webinar on waste heat and energy cooperation in European Industries

Last week, the SO WHAT Project hosted a webinar on waste heat and cold (WH/C) recovery and energy cooperation in European Industries, together with the EMB3RsINCUBISR-ACES and S-PARCS projects.

The five sister initiatives, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, presented their work on industrial WH/C recovery, the tools they are developing to empower it, and potential synergies between industrial parks and the surrounding community.

We discussed on the importance of boosting a more sustainable energy in Europe and highlighted the common goals of all five initiatives:

– Lower energy costs

– More sustainable & efficient energy

– CO2 reduction

– EU cooperation boosted

In addition, there was some time dedicated towards the end of the session for audience questions.



R-ACES to join SO WHAT webinar on waste heat recovery and energy cooperation

The two sustainable energy projects SO WHAT and R-ACES held a videoconference on November 5 to discuss potential synergies and collaboration between both initiatives.

One of the most inmediate outcomes of the talks was the addition of the R-ACES project to an upcoming webinar organised by SO WHAT: Waste heat recovery and energy cooperation in European Industries.

The session, which will take place on November 18, from 11:00 to 12:30 (CET) will count with the participation of five projects revolving around industrial waste heat and cold valorization, energy cooperation and energy symbiosis: SO WHATEMB3RsINCUBISR-ACES and S-PARCS

You can register now for free:


SO WHAT at Sustainable Places

Our SO WHAT consortium partner the University of Birmingham participated in the online conference Sustainable Places, where Adriano Sciacovelli presented a paper: Kinetic modelling of thermochemical energy storage reactions for storage of solar heat and waste heat.

The presentation included some of the preliminary results of the SO WHAT project, such as the main barriers identified, and a shortlist of thermochemical energy storage material options.

Sustainable Places 2020 was held over four days in digital event format and it explored sustainability themes such as: circular economy, digital twins, BIPV, local energy communities, sustainable digital infrastructure, and more.

Watch the video below with the SO WHAT presentation starting from minute 37:14.


SO WHAT hosts webinar with related projects

Genoa, Italy, November 3, 2020. The smart and sustainable energy projects SO WHAT, EMB3Rs, INCUBIS, R-ACES and S-PARCS, are organizing a joint webinar: Waste heat recovery and energy cooperation in European Industries, to be held on November 18.  

These five sister initiatives, funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, will present their work on industrial WH/C recovery, the tools they are developing to empower it, and potential synergies between industrial parks and the surrounding community.

The aim of the session is to explore different solutions to enhance a smart and sustainable energy use in industrial contexts, as well as WH/C recovery and reutilization, to find synergies between the work the different projects are carrying out, and to raise awareness among stakeholders on the new tools under development. Likewise, the webinar will include time for discussion and questions from the audience.

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Download the full press release here