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Transforming Foundation Industries Conference

Our partner Oliver Milling, from Materials Processing Institute, is presenting the So WHAT Project tool at a conference on energy efficiency (process efficiency, heat recovery) hosted by KTN, 3 November from 9:30 to 12:30.

The session is part of the three-days online conference Transforming Foundation Industries organized by KTN in partnership with TFI Network+ and TransFIRe with the aim to find solution providers to address the challenges of the Foundation Industries (FIs).

The presentations and discussions will consider the innovation opportunities for newer types of heat capture technologies, improved ways for moving heat energy, techniques to better match varying demands and heat streams, opportunities for co-location and methods for quicker evaluation of opportunities.

More information and registrations on this link https://ktn-uk.org/events/energy-efficiency-process-efficiency-heat-recovery/


SO WHAT at EUSEW’S Extended Programme

Our technical project coordinator Nick Purshouse, from IES Ltd., participated in an online workshop in the framework of EUSEW’s Extended Programme on Monday, 12 October 2021.

The session was organized in cooperation with the Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries (Alliance4ECEI) and it aimed at exploring the role that industrial waste heat and cold recovery, as well as energy cooperation in Industrial Parks can play in the energy transition and in benefiting economic growth.

All the speakers that participated in this session have in-depth experience with cooperative, industrial solutions and talked about the challenges energy cooperation projects face from the perspectives of different actors. Moreover, they also presented the main barriers they are facing to boost the collaboration and possible pathways to overcome them, with a specific focus on the tools and concepts they are developing, as well as on the policy framework needed and real-life examples and best practices across Europe.


SO WHAT celebrates M30 General Assembly Meeting

The SO WHAT Project partners hosted an online General Assembly meeting on 6 and 7 October, to evaluate the work performed in the first 30 months of the project and coordinate the upcoming activities.

Until now the theoretical foundations of the project have been laid, including data handling, technologies and mapping; the specifications of the tool and the common IT framework were defined, and the economic focus of the project (contracts, barriers, CBA, financing model) was analysed.

At the moment, the tool development is undergoing, all the technologies are being implemented in the tool in different ways, and the integration of different modules is being performed.

Validation is also starting in this phase. The analysis of demo and case studies for the future testing and the replication are soon to be performed.

Last, but not least, the training modules are under development, aiming to ease the further replication and exploitation of the SO WHAT Tool.

In addition to analysing the activities carried out and planning the work ahead, the project partners also engaged in an Exploitation Workshop led by Sustainable Innovations to assess the project’s Key Exploitable Results and how to make the most out of them.

sustainable places

SO WHAT at Sustainable Places 2021

The SO WHAT project participated, together with the Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries, in the Industry 4.1 paper session at the Sustainable Places event in Rome, September 30.

Our project coordinator Francesco Peccianti from RINA Consulting, presented the Alliance4ECEI’s goals and objectives and each of the projects that form it. He also stressed out, taking advantage of the technical audience of this event, that the alliance is looking for new collaborators to join. In case you missed the presentation, you can find it here.

And, if you are interested in becoming a member of the Alliance4ECEII, you can contact ys by sending an email to info@alliance4ecei.eu.

The objectives of the Alliance4ECEI are to

  • enhance the collaboration to boost energy efficiency in European industries,
  • maximize the impact and improve the quality and the relevance of the outputs generated by each of the projects conforming the alliance,
  • boost industrial symbiosis as well as waste heat and waste cold recovery and reuse,
  • contribute to the 2050 goal of zero net carbon emissions.

SO WHAT hosts joint workshop as part of EUSEW’s extended programme

The SO WHAT project will host, together with the other four members of the Alliace4ECEI (EMB3RsINCUBISR-ACES and S-PARCS), an online workshop, as part of the Extended Programme of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). The session, entitled Unlocking Energy Cooperation in EU Industries: Main Tools and Challenges, will take place on October 11, from 10:30 to 12:00.

The main goal of this workshop is to raise awareness on the opportunities of energy cooperation from the industrial perspective, encouraging collaboration among the different stakeholders and highlighting both the mutual benefits and how they can overcome specific barriers thanks to combined action plans.

The projects will present their accumulated experience and discuss the barriers encountered to energy cooperation and possible pathways to overcome them, with a specific focus on the tools and concepts they are developing, as well as on real-life examples and best practices across Europe. Free registrations are available on LinkedIn on this link: https://www.linkedin.com/events/unlockingenergycooperationineui6850696110550339584/